Thursday, January 24, 2013

Obvious Rant

 I just wanted to discuss something that bothers me EXTREMELY. It is practically my number one tick, and possibly yours. It HAS to be in your top 5 ticks, or that is just my estimate. It is so annoying. Are you ready for it? Wait, why am I asking, I'm not going to get a response. Okay, just disregard it. I'll get to it. Stating the obvious. Now, this comes from specific people in my life. Teachers, strangers, peers, sometimes even friends. I have to admit, I sometimes do it myself. But, most times I refrain and remind myself to be courteous to others because I know I HATE it myself. I would only wish this on my worst enemy. I know I am kind of over reacting. You know what, not kind of, I really am. But I take a lot of things to deep thought. And this is probably the most prominent. Today I nearly EXPLODED with anger when this one girl in my class portrayed my number one pet peeve. The bell had just rung, signaling class was over. She turns over to me, using her soft and innocent voices, the ones people use to seem all angelical and stuff. Then she says, "The bell just rang." In the inside, I was turning from Jean Grey to Phoenix Force. Does she think I'm deaf or something? It was probably because all throughout the day, people were doing the Captain Obvious thing to. It was like throwing coal into an blazing fire. Well anyways, I just felt like complaining to something/someone without offending the specific targets of my torment. 'kay, thanks, bye. o_O

1 comment:

  1. My rant...when parents talk to their kids like they are deaf just so the whole world can hear. Like we care.
